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Hospice Can Improve Your Loved One’s Quality of Life


Hospice is a service that provides comfort and cares to individuals in their final days. It’s also an excellent option for families who want to ensure their loved ones receive the best care possible before they pass.

Hospice is usually provided by a team of social workers and nursing assistants in Texas who work together to provide end-of-life care.

The team works with the patient and their family members to create an individualized plan that will meet the needs of the patient and family—allowing them to live out the rest of their days in dignity.

Here are some ways hospice care in Houston, Texas can improve your loved one’s quality of life:

  • Hospice aide ensures patients have access to comfort measures like pain medications, which can help them maintain their independence as long as possible.
  • Hospice staff members are trained on how to manage symptoms like depression and anxiety. These can be common among terminal patients whose bodies have begun shutting down due to disease progression. These symptoms often lead people to think they’re “going crazy” when in reality they’re just experiencing normal human responses to death being imminent.
  • Hospice services provide respite care for family members so they can rest between shifts or attend other important events without having to worry about their loved one’s care needs.

If you’re caring for a loved one who is terminally ill, it’s important to know that you can count on us to be there for you. Our medical social worker is available 24/7 to help you and your family through this difficult time.

If your loved one needs hospice care or other in-home support services, contact By Your Side Hospice today!

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